$HEDGI Tokenomics

Hedgehog Finance
2 min readMay 4, 2021

$HEDGI Token

As promised, Hedgehog Finance is a project built on trust and transparency to give all community holders the security of not experiencing yet another rug-pull.

In the spirit of transparency here is a breakdown of the tokenomics for $HEDGI.

$HEDGI is a token built using the contract that the BEE team created (a.k.a the Safemoon contract). The only aspect of it that will be edited is the intro wording. We do this because it is a solid contract and most of the community is already familiar with it.

For those unfamiliar with SafeMoon, this token is built on Deflation and Auto-Liquidity, which eliminates the problematic effects of Impermanent Loss in traditional liquidity pools. DeFi has absolutely exploded in the past year and as the entire sector evolves, $HEDGI offers a simple and effective way to participate in a token with rising value metrics and passive yield retention.

Contract ownership will be renounced directly after the pre-sale allocation is complete and liquidity is locked. For the pre-sale we need to turn off the taxes and fees as per the requirements of pre-sale platforms. Anyone can confirm this by checking out the Unicrypt platform where this is clearly stated.


After the presale, 34% of the tokens will be sent to a burn wallet and taken out of circulation. This will immediately bolster the remaining supply value.

Holders in the $HEDGI community can simply hodl as the deflationary mechanism adds more liquidity to the pool with every buy/sell transaction.

5% of every transaction is distributed to current holders and 5% is added to LP.

Why No Manual Burns?: It’s simple. $HEDGI leaves nothing to arbitrary decisions made by the few. By removing 34% of the token supply following the fair launch presale, the entire community has a clear and defined roadmap that leaves nothing to chance or questioning. The tokenomics of $HEDGI incentivizes all holders to become long-term community participants.

Audit: The contract has been audited with the findings released and unredacted, in full transparency.

As more meme coins flood the BSC landscape, we remain committed to developing a longterm and impactful project that gives back to the global Animal Rescue community from our charity wallet.

Stay tuned for more developments! Please visit https://hedgi.finance to see our RoadMap and WhitePaper.



Hedgehog Finance

Community Meme Coin based on Deflation and Charitable Givebacks, decided by all holders!